Different ramblings about different subjects...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I need help...

So we were toying around with the ideas for debconf7 and one of them (and a very good one it is!) is to set up a temporary DVB-T station. That's right! A Debian TV station! Isn't that a great idea!? This, however, means one thing: We need an ident. What better ident to use than a swirling Debian swirl!? So, I find a neat Debian wallpaper somewhere and decide to make a series of JPEGs to spin it around. The bash line I ended up using was this:

toresbe@fortran:~/ident$ rm big/*.PNG; for deg in `seq -w 0 . 360`; do export file=`perl -e "print "1$deg*10""`.PNG; echo $file; convert debian-swirl-big.png -rotate -$deg big/$file; TEST="`file big/$file | sed -e "s/,//g"`"; convert big/$file -crop 1024x576+$(((`echo $TEST | cut -d " " -f 5`)/2-512))+$(((`echo $TEST | cut -d " " -f 7`)/2-288)) done/$file; done

I just found that so horrible that I found I needed to blog it. It physically repulses me. I LOVE it! :)

The reviews are unanimous:
19:30 < daven> dude
19:30 < daven> that is sick
19:30 < daven> and twisted

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