Different ramblings about different subjects...

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Trip to Trondheim and NTNU

Quite a while ago, I decided that a second visit to NTNU was way overdue. So I went over to NTNU, hoping to get a few more machines running - maybe creating the possibility for a self-sustained hobbyist community sprining up around these machines.

The machines we ended up powering on were a MicroVAX 3800, an AlphaServer 2100, and a VAX 11/750. We haven't quite revived the 11/750 yet, but I'm working on that. All in all, it really was a great time, even though I accidentally ended up pulling some 24-hour-plusplus work stints.

The machines were set up with VAX/VMS 5.5 on the VMS boxes, and OpenVMS 8.2 on the Alpha. The differences between the versions are very striking. Although I am a VMS novice, I do believe I'm starting to get the feel for the system, and I have to say I like it quite a lot.

I also set up a VAXstation 3100, booting from the 3800, and a few terminals hooked to a DECserver 100. I had the enthusiastic company of Arnt Richard Johansen.

I've made some pictures available at http://toresbe.at.ifi.uio.no/ntnu-tur.

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