Different ramblings about different subjects...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

We're on our way home...

We're going hoooooome...

I wish there was a way to backdate blogs... I write blogs on my palmtop and just don't get around to copying them to my real blog. I have a lengthy post about my trip to JPL and other things. I'll get that posted later, but it'll look funny and jumbled.

So, I'm currently at Mexico City airport, and I've gotten almost everything with me. Somehow, I regret buying all those 78s... They're heavy.

Anyway, the flights are going according to plan, and I have my ticket, or at least a brochure for the airline, here, or somewhere, someplace. I have yet to find any free wireless here, and I am instead spending my remaining US dollars on a net kiosk here. I'm running out of time now, however, so I'll have to cut this short. I'm off to spend a few unproductive hours walking around in a circle singing to myself.

Also, uh, my Skolelinux shell just died... that ain't good. I hope it's back by the time I am.

Can't wait to get started on NODAF things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Husk pingvindrops og melkesjokolade!

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Uh... I... uh... like... ...candy