Different ramblings about different subjects...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A second item!

Wow, I actually got around to posting a second post! A persistent blogger is me!

So, today I'm going to Las Vegas, in four hours - staying at the Bellagio. I'll try to get some pictures of it.

In other news, I got so into editing wikis that I decided to try setting up one of my own wiki, for use with NODAF. So naturally, I did what any resourceful geek would do - I got someone else to do it. Everybody's friend Thomas Martinsen, AKA "tech", set up a wiki page and a PHP gallery page and I got to writing on it. By now it's got all the content the old page had, so I'm working on a mail to the board suggesting we point our main address there. The page is at http://tnet.no/nodaf.

I also find it very amusing that the spell check on this page, blogspot.com, recognizes neither the words "blog", "blogging", or "blogger".

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