Different ramblings about different subjects...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

New hardware! \o/

I has a tape robot - no tape drives yet. I also fetched some stuff for NODAF.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I've cut my hair!

I broke my hair! It's all gone! Well... some of it is, anyway... And I'm sort of convinced it was a bad idea. The haircut didn't turn out like I wanted it to... But it's not all bad. I guess my old hair was getting a bit worn out anyway.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Very long overdue update

Well, my blog has remained unmaintained for far too long. The reason I am finally updating it is quite simple: I quit IRC!

Allright, I may have mainly just detached the screen, it *is* still running, but I'm not interacting with it. And might I say, it's a hoot. I've cooked a decent dinner, I've cleaned the whole appartment, and I'm just going out for a walk soon. I have already after an hour and a half noticed that I'm more focused and constructive.

This is not just very pleasing, it's also very scary. If dropping IRC made this much of a difference to me, should I go back? I maintain most of my friendships online on IRC. Friendships can tolerate a week-long absence, but for longer periods, I'd start losing friends - or at least begin to distance myself from them. I've had a number of thoughts about what to do. My main idea at the moment is just to wait a few days, then start hanging around for something like an hour daily at most.

The interesting thing is my reaction to this self-imposed online-pause. While eating dinner, I usually hang around on IRC. I watched a TV series episode (Rome season finale, if you must know :) instead - I'm not likely to be constructive anyway - and that was fun. After seeing something that annoyed me, I immediately reached for alt-tab to talk about it on IRC. Only after seeing screen tell me there was no such window did I remember what I'd decided to do. Also, twice within 4 minutes of this episode did get bored, and paused the thing to say hi to IRC. After doing the dishes for 5 minutes I walked over to IRC to check up. Only after quitting did I realize what a humongous timesink this has been for me!

I don't think I'll come back any time soon. I'll just let Vilde know about this blog and I'll be off again. I CAN QUIT ANY TIME! :)

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Uh... I... uh... like... ...candy